Straits Knowledge Training

Taxonomy Development Workshop

This two-day programme is focused on helping participants to develop and implement a taxonomy to support the knowledge management objectives and programmes in their organisation.

It exposes participants to the range of different ways that taxonomies and taxonomy work can be used to support an organisation’s knowledge management objectives, and imparts key design principles for a usable, maintainable and effective taxonomy. The workshop teaches an approach to taxonomy development that takes into account different stakeholder needs to ensure maximum adoption and it stresses the importance of a taxonomy as a living system with an active governance and evaluation process around it.

The workshop is part of our three-workshop “KM Implementation” series covering three core areas of KM diagnostics, KM strategy development, and taxonomy work. A secure online blog is available to provide coaching and feedback to participants for at least one month after the workshop.
Participant who are planning to build enterprise-wide taxonomies may also be interested in our Knowledge Audit and KM Diagnostics workshop, which gathers a lot of the data you would need for taxonomy building.

Learning Objectives:
• To understand the different and sometimes competing factors that need to be considered when developing taxonomies
• To be familiar with the different forms that taxonomies can take
• To be familiar with the different uses and functions for taxonomies in an organisation
• To understand the difference betwee mono-hierarchical and faceted taxonomies
• To be able to conduct a facet analysis for a faceted taxonomy
• To be able to use taxonomy design principles to design simple taxonomies
• To be able to scope and plan a taxonomy project
• To be able to conduct appropriate tests and evaluations at different stages of taxonomy development and deployment
• To understand the difference between master taxonomy structures and how taxonomy elements are deployed to users to aid usability in information access and navigation

Training fees range from S$250 to S$550 per person per day depending on class size and degree of customisation.

Contact us to find out more.

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