The Archaeology of Tags
Forget tag clouds, they are primitive, and they are history. Meet brilliant information visualizer Moritz Stefaner, who’s been working on facet navigation and tagging visualisations.
In what I call his “tagging sediments” application the use of tags in a given source is visualised as layers laid down over time, where the thickness of the layer indicates the frequency of the topic. Hover your mouse over a sediment, and you’ll see how the tag has been used over time – you can see from this screen capture that Linux was topical in this target blog for a while at the start of the review period, but then faded rapidly. The “warmer” coloured sediments towards the top right show the more recently emerging topics.
Moritz also has a fantastic presentation of facets being used as a filtering tool. For more of his work, see here. Thanks to William Bitunjac via the TaxoCop discussion group for this pointer.
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