Who Makes Policy?
One of the key enablers in organisation-wide KM implementations is having your policies relating to information management, records management, IT security, privacy, knowledge sharing, etc, all integrated and aligned with each other. When we work with organisations to help them work on this, we too often find scenarios caricatured by Dilbert today: where policy writing is the domain of some bright spark somewhere far removed from the operation.
Where you’re dealing with infrastructural issues (which is exactly where KM, IM and RM are located) you can’t do anything meaningful without getting some senior management oversight, and a stakeholders group representing the operations as well as legal dept, owners of standards- or compliance-based work, records management, IT, HR, corporate communications, owners of large data systems and business applications, and probably more. Marita Keenan and I wrote some guidance some time ago on this.
3 Comments so far
- Patrick Lambe
Consider this a reply! Do see if you can track it down
- christianhauck
This blog post: http://www.cognitive-edge.com/2007/06/reducing_rules_increasing_serv.php
about this paper:
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There was this paper about policy, performance and conformance - mapping these into the complex, complicated, and simple areas of the Cynefin model - and I forgot to bookmark it.
If I get a reply here I’ll be motivated enough to search it.
Posted on July 16, 2007 at 08:43 PM | Comment permalink