Turning Around Poisonous Cultures
A great post from Shawn at Anecdote on the leadership behaviours that affect organisational culture:
- What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control on a regular basis
- How leaders react to critical incidents and organisational crises
- How leaders allocate resources
- Deliberate role modelling, teaching, and coaching
- How leaders allocate rewards and status
- How leaders recruit, select, promote, and excommunicate
And then there’s a real stinger of a question: how do you turn around a culture that is already poisonous, where the leadership are doing all of the above in a way that destroys trust and collaboration? I’ve worked in, and consulted with dysfunctional cultures for many years… Despite the sophistication of my education and the range of influencing and change tools made available to me, I’m still with the “slaughter a chicken to scare the monkeys” school of thought (some people are just born brutal). But what about when you’re not in a position to slaughter chickens (eg when you’re “just a consultant” )?
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