Michael Sampson in Singapore

Good friend Maish Nichani is hosting a Masterclass in Singapore with Sharepoint guru and author Michael Sampson, on “Sharepoint Collaboration and Governance”. I know Michael from the conference circuit, and I have his books – I have a lot of respect for the solid good sense he brings to the Sharepoint phenomenon. The trick with doing good work in KM around Sharepoint is to figure out what it’s good at, and where its limitations are, and then to put some clever design around how you deploy it. This means some technical knowledge, but it mostly means process and governance smarts. If you think a systems integrator can deploy Sharepoint for you and KM will then somehow suddenly happen, you’re deluding yourself (another example of magical thinking). And a KM team often doesn’t know enough about Sharepoint (and its supplier ecosystem) to know how to commission and deploy it for effective results. This gap is exactly the niche that Michael Sampson has very competently filled, and where he’s made a global name for himself. This Masterclass, on November 5th, is actually a steal – at half the price of Michael’s normal fees in Australia and New Zealand, and with Michael’s two books thrown in for free, if you’re working with Sharepoint you can’t afford not to attend this event.

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