Metrics, ROI, Monitoring and Evaluation Again
Some updates on the monitoring and evaluation of KM front. My contribution to the Carliner & Shank Elearning Handbook was on establishing the value of an elearning initiative, and reviews a range of valuation methods to consider. An adapted version of the chapter has this week been published by eLearn Magazine and can be accessed in two parts here and here.
Matt Moore is doing some interesting thinking around ROI, and to the quantitative/qualitative mix, he’s now adding ‘credibility’ or ‘authority’ of the project leader as an important but usually neglected issue. An early version of his thinking (related to a KM context) is here, and he is gunning to present some more developed thinking on this at the Boston Enterprise 2.0 conference if enough people think it’s important and vote for him. Take a look at his proposal and if you like it, vote!
The KM4Dev folks have been having some interesting discussions on monitoring and evaluation, and this blog post represents a very sophisticated and promising direction. Finally, I came across a nice short video podcast from Nick Milton giving an overview of Knoco’s measurement approach.
2 Comments so far
- Patrick Lambe
Brilliant, Tony, many thanks. A couple of other gems in there as well - the paper on building a KM Competency Framework is also very timely to work I’m doing - it’s been discussed on the Linkedin CKO Forum, but I hadn’t seen the paper itself.
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For another look at KM metrics, please see the presentations and papers from the U.S. Army Knowledge Management program folks. These were socilized at the DOD Knowledge Management Conference in October 2009 The metrics paper is titled “How do you measure the KM maturity of your Organization? Metrics that assess an organizations KM state”
Posted on January 21, 2010 at 06:24 AM | Comment permalink