Method Cards in Use

When we send out our KM Method Cards to the people who buy them, we always ask them to let us know how they end up using them.

Here’s a really nice way of using our KM Method Cards from Christine Harding of Thiess in Australia, presented here with her permission. I REALLY like the “yes/no” pile idea, and the pyramid of discussions (a) to create a shared understanding of what KM can do for a group (b) allow the group to take some ownership of what KM can do for them© open up a fairly limited view of KM in a very “discovery” oriented way.

I also like Christine’s suggestion for providing blank card templates – and am mulling over whether there’s a way of getting some online sharing of this kind of innovation around the core pack.

Let us know what you think, and also your examples of use!
“I am working with a group of engineers around innovation. What they have discovered is that a culture of trust and knowledge sharing is particularly important. At the last meeting I attended they asked me to address KM, what it was, how they could apply it etc.

Just as I left my office I popped a pack of cards in my bag. What I quickly discovered is that they had no real idea of just how big and wide spread the behaviour of knowledge sharing can be. They were also keen to come up with some very tangible outcomes to use for their senior leaders.

After a presentation on KM and how it fits in our business and some really good conversations I broke them into two groups of 3 and gave them a section of cards each (starting with methods and approaches). I asked them to go through them each and read anything they didn’t understand then make a decision on whether they could relate to the cards and whether they thought their business was ready for or in need of any of the approaches and methods. They had yes and no piles.

They then swapped and looked at each other’s yes and no piles and either agreed or disagreed and resorted. We then had a conversation over the ones they didn’t agree with until they understood each other and made a final decision.

I then had them go through the tools in the same way and swap the piles and follow the same process. The comments I got were very positive and they all felt very enlightened.

For guys who are not experts in this stuff, it provided a smorgasbord for them to select from.

I am now writing up a report which states their desired methods and approaches back by the tools. They will then take that and build it into something applicable for their business unit.

I understand it was a bit of crash course, and there were some things which went over their heads even after reading about them, yet it gave us a very solid starting point and very clearly demonstrated the many and varied ways KM can come into your work life. Prior to this they were very narrow-focused on only document control.

My suggestion I would make to you is to provide some blank cards in each pack so you can add your own new ideas. This group for example, has come up with their own technique of generating and sharing ideas. It would be great to be able to type these up and print them to add to the pack.”

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