KM Volunteers Needed!
The inaugural Youth Olympic Games will be held in Singapore 14-26 August 2010. You may not know, but there’s a lot of knowledge management involved in running major games like this – a country might host the games once in a generation, so won’t get the chance to build up experience. Learning and knowledge transfer between host countries is critical.
Even between events and venues in a single Games, learning has to be very fast. There’s only one chance to get things right. Any mistake should be made no more than once. This process starts on the ground itself, at every event that’s held. During August, every venue and every event will be conducting immediate after action reviews and collecting lessons learned for collation and analysis. So here’s an appeal for help to the Singapore KM community from Doreen Tan, Head of Knowledge Management for the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC):
“We are currently recruiting volunteers for our Games-Time KM Programme. This programme aims to collect and disseminate lessons learnt to workforce on a daily basis during Games Time (14 to 26 Aug 2010) so that there is continuous / just-in-time learning during the entire period. In order for the Programme to work, we would need to deploy volunteers to both competition and non-competition venues to help in the consolidation and ad-hoc facilitation of the AARs. It would be ideal if the volunteers had some knowledge of KM or are professionally involved in KM to some degree.”
Here are more details. Do help if you can! SYOGOC_KM_Volunteers.doc
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