IKO Conference Materials Online and Reflections on Conference Design
We have started posting the materials from the “Innovations in Knowledge Organisation” conference we organised last week. All the slides and notes are already posted, and we are now working our way through the videos. The video tutorials are posted already, the case studies will follow and then the keynotes.
We had great feedback on the interactive design of the conference, which you can pick up from the Conference Guide. There is nothing like leveraging the power of the participant knowledge and question-base to release knowledge sharing and show the power of KM. On that very topic, here’s a great post from Paul Corney on an Open Space Peer Assist he facilitated at the KM UK Conference the same week as IKO. What was particularly striking was the finding that only about 10% of his audience had actually used a Peer Assist in their organisations. Why is it so hard for KM professionals to practice what they preach?
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