IKO Conference - Conference Guide
Here is the pdf version of the full Conference Guide provided to participants. The guide contains the complete agenda, the speaker profiles, the content of the case study outlines, and the knowledge organisation competency framework. It was a great conference, thanks to all the speakers and participants for their wonderful participation!
Here’s some of the feedback we received:
“Interesting topics in diverse range of disciplines”
“Short sessions around the tables are very good =)”
“How wide the range of uses and applications of the technologies were. The application of search to Linked Data sets as well is going to provide a lot of food for thought.”
“I feel you guys fed us well. =) More chocolates on the table!”
“The conference has given me much insights to KO, for a newbie like myself. The taxonomy and ontology is very interesting.”
“Collected IDEAS that I’m likely to explore & recommend for implementation.”
“Very informative and interesting!”
“A good understanding of the processes and tools employed by other organisations to organise information.”
“I still have a lot to learn!!! The tutorials were helpful.”
“As a beginner I got a good overview of KM/KO and the jargon/common terms used. I learned some common pitfalls of KO and how I would avoid these in my future projects. The most useful takeaway is the poster and how to build taxonomy and of course the very enriching and engaging sharing of experience.”
“Understanding what has been done by other institutions. This has given me an idea of how I would adopt some of them for my institution.”
“Good overview of KM related topics and current trends and how to integrate these into more balanced and holistic approaches.”
“I’m very amazed”
“Well done. Keep it up!”
“Keep doing it. The conference will grow”
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