Ignorance and Negative Knowledge
Regular visitors will be aware that one of my longstanding interests is in the area of ignorance management. Nikolai Krjachkov has just shared an interesting article published recently in the International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy on “negative knowledge” (via the KM Forum community). The authors take Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm shift theory to argue for a concept of knowledge formation that includes “unknowing” what is “known” in order to construct new forms of knowledge. You can download a free copy of the paper at Knowledgeboard (free registration required). Thanks Nikolai.
2 Comments so far
- Patrick
Thanks Brett. I’ve been mentally writing a book on ignorance management for the past five years, might actually get it done one day. I think it’s multi-facetted, ranging from stickiness (Szulanski) to forgetting by a variety of means, to not seeing (Kuhn), to what you do and do not pay attention to. I’m intrigued by your interest in “mastery”, will follow your posts on that.
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I’ve long believed that one of the key challenges with most attempts at knowledge management was the focus purely on knowledge creation and sharing and an almost total disregard for the vital process of ‘forgetting.’ I’m looking forward to reading the “Negative Knowledge” paper and learning more about what you call ignorance management.
Posted on August 01, 2006 at 09:09 PM | Comment permalink