Delightful MOMster
Exactly a week ago, the Ministry of Manpower‘s (MOM) intranet team jointly organised a session with the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS) to share the former’s experience in revamping their corporate intranet. Here are my notes:
- they held a naming competition to generate buzz; the winning entry was MOMster @ Home;
- they offer short video tutorials of under 10 sec on using the new intranet;
- they work through departmental reps, held regular engagement sessions with them, and send them “MOMster Blasts” or e-newsletters to keep them updated;
- they launched a beta version of the intranet at their Innovation Carnival as a teaser;
- after the official launch they held A&E (Anytime for Anyone) sessions to assist people during the painful content migration process;
- their “MOMers Zone” spotlight officers, birthdays and new MOMers;
- they aggregate news daily and send to staff by email to show them what’s available on the intranet;
- they created a Collaboration Toolkit to show staff how to seed communities;
- they do not censor feedback, even negative ones.
Their lessons learnt:
- involve senior management early on in the process; their Dy Secretary gave them some directions;
- start small but think big; beta version and pilot with key users first;
- manage change early; engage users early – “designed by you, for you”;
- focus on governance and education; created Intranet Team and writing toolkit.
More than 90 people from the public as well as private sector turned up for the sharing session. What really impressed me was the openness by which the MOM team shared their experience. Even their IT rep was actively fielding questions. If more people follow their example this is going to bode well for KM in Singapore.
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