Data, Knowledge Organisation and Scientific Knowledge
Back in November I participated in a workshop sponsored by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy on “Changing the Conduct of Science in the Information Age”. My input (contained as an annex to the downloadable report) was on the role of knowledge organisation systems in making scientific knowledge accessible, and in enabling the sensemaking that results in the building of new knowledge.
The February 11 issue of Science Magazine has a report on the STAR Metrics programme, a fascinating approach to getting visibility into scientific knowledge and one of the inspirations for the workshop (I’m delighted to be cited) – but the whole issue itself has a lot of rich material on the current state of data visualisation, science metaknowledge, what happens to sensemaking, participation in science, and event the conduct of scientific approaches, when you open up data to the crowd and much much more. The main articles in this issue are currently free content, for additional material (eg the STAR metrics report) you’ll need to register/subscribe.
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