Conducting a KM Planning Exercise
Followers of my company Straits Knowledge will know that we have produced a number of KM job aids out of our consulting experience. They are all designed to make KM thinking accessible to “ordinary” operational managers, so that we can help them get the insights they need into how KM can help them in their business, in a genuinely participative way, without having to learn any detailed theory in advance.
We have KM Diagnostic Cards identifying typical pain points relating to knowledge and information issues, Organisational Culture Cards which identify commonly found patterns of behaviour around knowledge sharing and use, and KM Method Cards which help you brainstorm a whole range of possible interventions depending on the need. Now we’ve produced our latest product which helps to integrate these tools in a single facilitated conversation with operational managers: the KM Planning Canvas. You can buy all of these from our web store!
This video tutorial takes you through a rapid planning exercise on the KM Planning Canvas using input from a real organisation as an example. Even if you don’t want to buy the full kit, we hope it gives a useful insight into the things to think about when planning practical KM interventions at an operational level. Enjoy, and if you like it, buy the complete kit from our store! If you already own some of our card sets, you can also buy items separately.
Download the MP4 video file by right clicking here
Go to the show page on vimeo by clicking here
2 Comments so far
- Patrick lambe
That’s great feedback, Laurie, thank you. Actually we intended this canvas to be more of a tactical KM planning canvas rather than a strategic one. But of course you are right, you could use the left hand domain to insert strategic business requirements.
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Hi Patrick, I was just reviewing a lecture I was giving to a post grad class on implementing KM when I came a across this. They are also preparing for a major assignment on a KM plan so the timing was perfect. I played the video and it fitted in perfectly.
The only comment I would make is that I spend a bit of time emphasising to the students the need to either aligning the KM plan to business issues and strategies of the organisation, or for the more adventurous, arguing how KM may generate a new strategy or product/service line for an organisation.It would be good to explicitly address these business issues or opportunities on the planning canvas so that the strategic alignment can be tested. I suspect this could easily be factored into your top left KM insights sections to accommodate business issues and opportunities.
Otherwise I like it a lot. It integrates your offerings well. I’ve ordered the pack I don’t have for a KM course I’m running up in Hong Kong in December.
Posted on November 10, 2010 at 05:25 AM | Comment permalink