Barriers to Sharing Knowledge

A great summary from Shawn over at Anecdote of an article by Andreas Riege in the Journal of Knowledge Management on the barriers to knowledge sharing – together with a reference to Gabriel Szulanski (inexplicably missed by Riege). Here’s a catalogue of woes too often found in whole clumps and clusters!

2 Comments so far


Szulanski really wrote about barriers to the transfer of best practice but it has been generally accepted as a useful model to examine barriers to knowledge transfer.  His primary research question was:  Why might best practice not spread?

Riege’s comprehensive treatment of these barriers is a very useful audit tool or background to the types of problems that occur in organisations. A useful next step would be to look at similarities in attributes across this list and propose a general model (Szulanski used Shannon and Weaver) to group these barriers.


Posted on September 05, 2006 at 02:37 PM | Comment permalink


Nice to see you here Greg! I think your suggestions for taking this work forward practically are useful. I especially like the idea of using the research to try to put together an audit instrument. At the very least, if not a precise assessment, it could generate extremely useful examples, anecdotes, dialogues and mutual awareness. So… who’s game?

Posted on September 05, 2006 at 03:31 PM | Comment permalink

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