Awards Awards

Just a quick plug for two sets of awards (one I’m involved in, and one we support). The iKMS KM Excellence Awards are designed to recognise KM efforts in Singapore, based on self nomination and a careful review by a panel of international experts. iKMS has recognised seven organisations for their KM initiatives over the past two years but nobody has yet achieved a gold – make this the first year for gold! Entries close on 31st March. For more information and the briefing sheet containing the submission template visit the iKMS website.

The StepTwo Designs Intranet Innovation Awards is an award we have supported since its inception. I like this award because it’s designed to capture good intranet ideas that lead to some business value – ie it’s not a benchmarking award that assumes all intranets have to strive for some common standard. And the case studies it produces every year are indeed impressive. These awards are completely international and got recognition at KM World last year. You have a little more time for this closing date: April 23rd.

Go on, get recognised. You know you want to be. It does so much good for everybody’s morale.


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