A Storytelling Conference Fuelled by Stories
I’m very excited to be involved with Shawn Callahan and the International Storytelling Festival in organising Asia’s first storytelling conference Origins: Asia Pacific Business Narrative Conference. It will take place in Singapore, September 6-8 2010.
We have some wonderful speakers from near and far, including Victoria Ward as keynote, noted authors Terrence Gargiulo and David Drake, and presenters who have worked with stories within their organisations to effect change: the Asian Development Bank, the Ritz Carlton, the Singapore Armed Forces, to name but a few. But even more than the speakers, I’m excited about the conference design. We have designed this conference to foster interaction, network-building, sharing, learning, and above all, storytelling. Only Victoria’s keynote will be in a traditional presentation format, and even that is going to be full of stories. The other speakers will be sharing their cases in a “case study cafe” format, in rotating roundtable discussions. We have a “techniques marketplace” where speakers and delegates can offer to peer-teach storytelling and narrative techniques, and out of this we plan to produce a “techniques guidebook” for the participants as a record of our shared knowledge. And we have a “story slam” where participants can compete to show off their storytelling skills. This is going to be a wonderful event.
We’re just getting the conference blog going, so do follow it; and if you’re interested in keeping track of the conference, you can register to receive updates.
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