KM Certification Again
Christian Young blogs about what a curriculum for a KM certification course might look like – he distinguishes nicely between the people who need to know about KM and the people who want to progress through it professionally, via both theory and practice. I’ve written about the politics of KM certification here, and unfortunately politics (and commerce) tend to screw with sensible thinking. So all we have to do now is figure out who should drive the sensible course Christian sketches out.
2 Comments so far
- Christian Young
Alakh, while I agree that the current KM certification programs available fall far (far, far, far, far, lol) short of meeting the needs of both practitioners (at all levels) and the businesses that look to them for establishing and promoting a professional standard, I don’t feel that passion and curiosity alone are an adequate substitute.
As someone who is often noted for my passion for KM, I can tell you honestly that it’s my hard won knowledge and experience that make me successful at what I do (my passion is what keeps me motivated to do it) and a good amount of that knowledge didn’t have to be so difficult to acquire and wouldn’t be for others in the field (particularly rookies) if quality, accessible, inexpensive, and on-going programs existed.
Clearly, this is an area of opportunity within KM for someone with the passion and curiosity to pursue it
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I feel the greatest certification that one can ever have in KM is true passion and curosity.
Respect to certifications - No one can teach you to identify the RIGHT content for the RIGHT person. Does a certification hone my skills where i can proudly say ‘Hey! I can manage knowledge better after the 3 day certificate’.
I’m still a rookie to judge that, but i can say one thing with true faith - No certification can match passion and curosity.
Posted on January 15, 2009 at 10:15 PM | Comment permalink